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Distracted and Intoxicated Driving Prevention
Don't Drink and Drive Simulator & Don't Text and Drive Simulator

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are over 13,000 fatalities happening annually due to alcohol-impaired driving on U.S. roads. This accounts for approximately 32% of all traffic-related deaths.
Distracted driving is another major cause of road deaths. The NHTSA also reports that over 3,500 people are being killed in crashes involving distracted drivers. It encompasses activities such as using a cell phone, eating, drinking, or interacting with passengers while behind the wheel.
These are preventable deaths.

Driver Safety

Intoxicated Driving Simulator

A Drunk Driving Simulator allows participants to experience driving in a simulated drunk mode. It effectively demonstrates the dangerous effects of DUI/DWI driving, such as delayed responses to controls and a narrowed field of vision, commonly known as "tunnel vision." Using an actual car, this high-fidelity tool powerfully reinforces the "do not drink and drive" message. It has been successfully used by many high schools for pre-prom events, overnight prom parties, and other safety events nationwide. Buy PRO From USD $25,200 Buy EDU From USD $12,700

Driver Safety

Distracted Driving Simulator

Our in-vehicle Driving Simulator also allows the use of actual mobile devices to demonstrate the dangers of driving while distracted by texting (DWT) or similar activities. Demonstrations can be conducted in short sessions, allowing many spectators to observe while each participant takes a turn driving. Drive Square offers simulators for sale, lease, or rent to safety programs at schools, colleges, and professional and military driving safety organizations. Buy PRO From USD $25,200 Buy EDU From USD $12,700

Driving Simulator for Driving Safety Events and Demonstrations

For DUI/DWI Prevention

for High Schools, Colleges, Military Bases.

For Texting and Driving Prevention

for distracted driving prevention.

For Corporate Safety

for EHS stand-down events.

Incorporating Our Driving Simulators into Your Safety Program

We offer a full-service simulation option for customers nationwide. Our technician will bring one or more simulators to your location, set them up, and run them for you. You only need to bring participants—no need to read the manual. This option is perfect for trade shows or safety events.

Booking and Payment Information

Please book your dates early! We accept Visa, MasterCard, purchase orders, and checks.

Your local auto dealer may be able to provide a vehicle for the simulator if you plan to take it to a community safety event, mall, or trade show.

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